Kindergarten Primary School
Kindergarten Primary School

Library Media Center Policy

Concordia International School Ningbo Library/Media Center Policy


The purpose of this Library/Media Center Policy is to establish guidelines for the effective management and use of the Concordia International School Ningbo Library/Media Center. This policy aims to support the school's educational objectives, promote a love of reading, and enhance students' research skills in alignment with the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP).


This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the school community who utilize the Library/Media Center and its resources.


Our Library/Media Center is guided by the following principles:

- Access to Information: Providing equitable access to a wide range of resources and information that support the PYP curriculum and the diverse interests and needs of our school community.

- Fostering Literacy and a Love for Reading: Encouraging a lifelong love for reading through a carefully curated collection of literature and informational texts.

- Supporting Inquiry and Research: Facilitating the development of research skills and critical thinking through access to various media and information technologies.

- Promoting Responsible Use: Teaching and modeling respect and care for library materials and resources.

Library/Media Center Services

- Collection Development: Regularly updating and expanding our collection to include print and digital resources that reflect current, diverse, and relevant content.

- Borrowing Services: Implementing a user-friendly borrowing system that allows students and staff to check out materials efficiently while ensuring the responsible return of resources.

- Research and Reference Assistance: Providing support and guidance to students and staff in finding and using resources effectively for research and inquiry projects.

- Programming and Events: Organizing events such as author visits, book fairs, reading challenges, and literacy workshops to engage the school community.

Guidelines for Use

- Access: The Library/Media Center is open to all students during specified hours, including class visits and individual use.

- Borrowing Limits: Clear guidelines on the number of items that can be borrowed, borrowing durations, and renewal procedures are established to ensure fair access for all users.

- Conduct: Respectful and quiet behavior is expected in the Library/Media Center to maintain a conducive environment for reading and research.

- Care of Resources: Users are responsible for the care of borrowed items and may be subject to fines or replacement fees for lost or damaged materials.

Roles and Responsibilities

- Librarian/Media Specialist: Manages the Library/Media Center, curates the collection, assists users in accessing resources, and provides instruction on information literacy and research skills.

- Teachers: Collaborate with the Librarian/Media Specialist to integrate library resources into the curriculum and facilitate class visits.

- Students: Use the Library/Media Center resources responsibly, adhere to borrowing rules, and engage in learning activities offered by the library.

- Parents: Encourage responsible use of the library and support their child's reading and research activities.

Professional Development

- Ongoing Training: The Librarian/Media Specialist and relevant staff participate in professional development to stay current with best practices in library management, literacy education, and information technology.

Review and Development

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it aligns with the evolving needs of the school community, advances in educational technology, and changes in the PYP curriculum. Feedback from users is valued and considered in the review process.


This policy is communicated to the school community through the school website, newsletters, and orientation sessions for students and parents, ensuring clear understanding of library services, guidelines, and expectations.

This Library/Media Center Policy provides a comprehensive framework that can be continually adapted to suit the specific context and needs of Concordia International School Ningbo. It's essential to ensure the policy is effectively implemented, with regular updates to the collection and services to meet the dynamic needs of the school community and support the IB PYP's goals.

All policies need to be collaboratively developed, well-documented, communicated to all stakeholders, and regularly reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the school community or IB standards. It's also important to keep these policies aligned with local educational regulations and cultural expectations in Ningbo. 

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Concordia International School Ningbo serves students from age 3 to age 18 and provides a rigorous, globally focused education that fosters inquiry, knowledge empathy, and nurtures a lifelong love of learning.